River Jones Celebrant
School of Celebrancy
Before dedicating my self to celebrancy full time, I worked for over twenty years in adult education, including developing and delivering continuing professional development programmes for the University of Sussex, so it's a delight to combine my love of teaching with my passion for celebrancy in the online training courses at School of Celebrancy.
We currently offer two courses: Serving the Living and the Dead focuses on funerals and memorials; and Celebrating Life on weddings, handfastings and naming ceremonies. Each course is organised into six online lessons, including text, audio and video materials, which can be worked through at your own pace. Each lesson is followed by a homework assignment designed to help you to actively prepare for the work of celebrancy and on completing all six you will qualify for a certificate. Our interactive course platforms provide a space to join discussions with fellow students, submit your assignments and get one to one feedback and tutorial support.
The School of Celebrancy is run by the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids - a worldwide group of over twenty thousand members in fifty countries. You don’t need to be a member or subscribe to any specific beliefs to join our courses. If you see celebrancy as more than just a business and are open to the inspiration of nature, then these courses are for you. Designed to equip you with all the knowledge and skills you’ll need to provide a professional, client centred service to anyone, whatever their outlook or spiritual orientation, these courses provide a thorough and well grounded training in all aspects of celebrancy work.
It’s a joy and a privilege to share my passion for this work with others and to support and encourage people all over the world to become the best celebrants they can be!